Friday, September 9, 2011

Trying to stay ahead of the pain


I'm not sure what started it, but my abdominal and pelvic pain has been  intensifying over the last few days.  Fortunately, I now have a ton of tools to help cut it off.  I always start with yoga and specific stretches so that the muscles from my abdomen through my legs don't freak out in turn.  If that happens, I'm down for a few days and it becomes very tough to bounce back. I also have my interferential device (which I've previously referred to as a TENS unit because I didn't know the real name for the thing).  Anyway, they are very similar, but I'm told the interferential device has the same, aka better than a TENS, technology that is used in the PT clinic.  The purpose of the machine is to confuse pain signals from my nerves in my abdomen, which gives me a significant amount of relief, though unfortunately it's temporary. My next plan of attack is to restrict my diet even further so that I'm not contributing to the Intertitial Cystitis.  If I make it through the weekend, I have physical therapy on Monday, which should effectively work as a "reset" button.

As a recap if you're just joining me: Pelvic pain is an ugly and complicated beast.  Contributing factors in my case are pain from Interstitial Cystitis, pain from Endometriosis, and also from scar tissue left behind in my abdominal cavity as a result of both the diseases and the surgeries associated with them. Also, my Fibromyalgia causes my brain to constantly send pain signals to my nerves and they are very difficult to shut off.

Aside from all of this, I'm still extremely tired most of the time, so forcing myself to do the workout that I need to do is darn near impossible some days.  But, I'm going to power through that and then hopefully have a quiet day on the couch.  We have lots going on this weekend, so I'm hoping to make it through everything, and perhaps even enjoy myself.

Updates to follow...

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