Friday, September 23, 2011

Its beginning to look a lot like Fibro....

Well, here we are again. Fibromyalgia season.  My wrists and feet are killing me, and I am hyper-aware of nearly every joint in my body.  Plus, tomatopocalypse has not yet passed even though it's been a week,and my illiopsoas is KILLING me.  That's a whiny start to the day, I know.  It's this time of year that I wonder why the heck I still live in Wisconsin!  I checked the current temperature before getting out of bed and it was only 39C! (What ever happened to the degree sign on the keyboard??? Wasn't there one back in the 80s?)  Anyway,  I woke up at about 5:30 in tons of bladder and illiopsoas pain and made my husband help me stretch the muscle, but it didn't help.  Then I hooked up my INF unit, and that really didn't help.  Then, I piled on several layers of clothing and went upstairs to stretch more and do a bit of yoga.  That kind of helped.  I'm doing my best to avoid percoset, but I think there's a 1/2 pill in my very near future.

But, speaking of Wisconsin, I have plans to head to a Brewers game tonight.  I've only gone once this year and while the company was fantastic, I was in so much pain from sitting in those awful stadium chairs and riding the 2+ hours in the car.  After a couple of disappointing last-minute cancellations where I gave tickets away, I decided I wasn't going to any more games this year.  Then we canceled cable and the Brewers started playing really, really well so I'm dragging myself tonight.  I hate that I'm going into it knowing that I'm going to regret it, but this is me trying to have a life that appears to be normal.

Here's hoping for a less whiny tomorrow

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