Sunday, November 20, 2011

I'm here...


I'm here and I have a lot of updates to give from the last month, but now isn't a good time for me to provide a huge update. So for now...I'm ok, but it's been a tough month since my meds were switched around. In the long run, I think it's going to be a good thing, but my energy has been zapped by nortriptyline for Fibro and Tramadol for my other chronic pain.  Scar tissue and adhesions from endometriosis have been causing me more pain than usual.  Through physical therapy myofacial work, we can tell that I have adhesions on my intestines as well as my lower left abdominal cavity.  And then, just to top it off, my Physical Therapist is pretty sure that I'm having ghost pain as a result of having my ovary removed in 2007.  How dumb is that?  Sadly, there aren't any specific treatments to fix any of this.  I just have to keep up with PT, take my daily meds, keep exercising, .and know when to take it easy. Oh yes, and there's still the Interstitial Cystitis.

I had a really rough weekend that involved a lot of couch time. Thank goodness my hubby is so good about picking up the slack...of which I leave a lot!
