Wednesday, September 14, 2011

An anniversary

I had other plans for a blog post today before I realized the date.  I'm "celebrating" a dismal anniversary today....the beginning of the end of my former lifestyle.  Fortunately, I'm having a pretty good day!  I ran into an old coworker  that I run into frequently.  I recall telling him earlier this year that it looks like I'll never be able to get back to work.  Then, as things progressed through the summer, I would get to tell him about how hopeful I was that things were looking up. today, I saw him while I was standing in line at Starbucks and I got to tell him how I'm feeling better and seriously considering finding part time work so that I can do something while still taking the time that I feel like I deserve (right or wrong) after losing the last couple of years of my life.  Then I confessed that my next stop was my massage.  So...I went from 60+ hours per week of work plus full time school, to completely bedridden, to enjoying a leisurely life as a about living life in extremes!

Wow, I just said "I" a lot.  That's acceptable considering that it's my own blog right?????  :)

Anyway, my Facebook status post kinda sums it all up, so I'll just copy it here:

Two years ago today: officially went on a medical leave that left me completely completely bedridden for over two months. One year ago: Left my job due to ongoing undiagnosed illness and chronic pain; doctors were still baffled as to what the heck was wrong with me. Today: diagnosed and treated and wearing a spiffy medical ID bracelet while on minimal medications...spent the day so far shopping and then enjoying Starbucks and a massage with manageable pain levels.

This phase of my life is starting to be pretty might see me milking it for a bit

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