Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I ate cherries

***This post failed to publish yesterday due to some kind of system error.  Please enjoy a day late***


Well, I've unintentionaly hurt my bladder a bit today.  When shopping at my local co-op, I picked up a few new things to try that I thought were within my diet guidelines. One of them was a PB&J fruit bar that was dairy free, gluten free, preservative free and as an added bonus, it was vegan (which I'm not, but I'm trying to add a lot more vegan meals into my diet).  After I ate it this morning, I looked at the label again and realized that cherries are a main ingredient.  Shoot.  So, I'm drinking extra water, took an over the counter supplement that takes acid out of food (and therefore, my bladder) and unfortunately, had to take 1/2 a percoset.  I'm hoping it passes quickly.

Otherwise, I joined the coffee girls this morning at a beautiful new coffee shop in my little town.  I'm so glad that I've been able to meet these lovely women.  The more we learn about each other, the more I like them, and I hope that the feeling is mutual.  I have Fibromyalgia to thank for this gift of friendship.

Finally, my triumph of the day---On my way home, I stopped at my veterinary office to pick up two 16 lb bags of cat food.  For the first time since they've been on the food, I was able to carry it to the car, then up the stairs to my kitchen without straining any of the broken parts of my body. 


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