Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Today was a rough one!

Good evening,

Well, the last 24 hours have been a trip.  It all started when I was changing the layout of this blog last night, then intensified when I was finishing up the "Tuesdays with Morrie" post.  I was really nauseated, and although I was tired, I couldn't sleep.  Usually, I can get myself to sleep by 2am at the very, very latest with the help of amitryptaline and tizanadine, which help my fibromyalgia, but I felt so sick that I just couldn't fall asleep.  I got up a couple of times to walk around, use the bathroom, eat crackers and give the also restless cats a 2am snack, but nothing helped.  I sat up, read, lay down, sat up...lather, rinse, repeat. At 3:45am, my husband woke up to find me curled up in a ball.  Since he gets up by 4am at the latest, he got up and got ready for work, then left about 4:15am (He works 10 hour shifts and drives 3 hours round trip, so he prefers to get an early start).  I drank a little water and felt a little better, so I got up and did a 45 minute yoga workout and then did some of my physical therapy exercises.  I took it easy since I hadn't slept and my balance was definitely a bit off. 

So, by 5:30 am, I moved myself up to the couch with pillows from the bed and a down comforter, closed all the curtains so the sun wouldn't bother me and tried to fall asleep again...to no avail.  The nausea acted up again and my guts were churning. It was becoming pretty obvious to me that I was once again having an allergic/adverse reaction to a prescription drug.  I made myself some peppermint tea, and while the smell helped, I just couldn't put down any fluids. So, I called the Urogynecology office at 8:30 and tried to wait patiently for a call back from a triage nurse. Two hours later, I was out of patience, so I called back and spoke directly to a nurse in the clinic, who took my info to the doctor. She called me back at 11:30 to let me know that (long story short) between my info and their research, we're just not quite sure if the suspect medication, Lysteda was the cause of the reaction. My symptoms are extremely rare, but I'm also that person that has extremely rare reactions to certain drugs. The final solution was that they called in an anti-nausea pill.

Now, the problem was how to get it.  I hadn't slept all night, could hardly move, knew I couldn't drive without throwing up.  As mentioned, my hubby is an hour and a half away at this point. Fortunately, a good friend of mine lives close to both me and my pharmacy and was able to pick up my prescription and drop it off at my house.  She is my hero!!!!!  Huge, huge thank you!!!!!! By total chance, it fit perfectly into her day since she had some errands to run and had to take her adorable baby girl to an appointment. 

But back to the Lysteda.  We're a little concerned because the drug is prescribed for my endometriosis to reduce the pain caused by bleeding adhesions that reside on pretty much every organ and wall in my abdominal cavity, and I only take it 5 days a month.  This was my 3rd month on it. The first two went beautifully and did a great deal to reduce my pain levels. Therefore, the drug could have interacted with some other medication, either prescripton or over-the-counter. We agreed that I would try it once more next month (with the anti-nausea pills handy beforehand!) to figure out whether this is a reaction, or maybe just some weird fluke...which should surprise no one at this point. :)

Anyway, the hubby came home two hours early, which is when I finally managed to nap for a couple of hours. I still wasn't feeling great, but I could tell I was on the way to better.  Having him there definitely helped because I'm always afraid to go to sleep when I don't have all the facts about what's going on with me.  By about 8pm, I had managed to eat a small piece of homemade cheesy bread (I am from Wisconsin!) and was coming back to life.  Since then, I've been pounding down water and drank a 2-serving bottle of Organic fruit juice. I'm sure my Interstitial Cystitis will act up a bit because of it, but I feel sooooooooo much better now that I'm rehydrated.

Right now, I'm waiting for the pills to knock me out.  One would think that 2 hours of sleep in the last 39 hours would allow me to fall asleep with no problem, but that is somehow not the case.  All of this said, I'm pretty darn happy that this is the only day I've lost out on in recent history because I wasn't feeling well.  However, the pills are kicking in and therefore; I leave you all before I start typing crazy nonsense...which I'm sure you'd enjoy. 

Maybe next time.

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