Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Passing for "normal"

Greetings for a third day in a row!

So, I'm at a point where I'm trying to pass for "normal" in society again.  This morning, I met up with a group of mommies that I hang out with on Wednesdays and took a tour of a historic place of my town.  I'm embarassed to say that I've lived here over 8 years and haven't seen it yet.  Anyway, it's kind of funny that I hang out with the group since i don't have children.  However, they don't seem to find it odd since they are aware of my health situation.  But what was such a blessing to me was that I was able to wake up this morning and get ready to go without crazy pre-planning of having tons of meds with me, making sure that i feel well, having my husband there with an escape plan in case I don't feel well, etc, etc. 

Tonight, I'm hanging out with that group again for a dinner cooked by one of the husbands.  This situation is one in which it will be hard for me to seem "normal" since I'm on such a restricted diet that I can't eat much of anything right now.  My diet calls for nothing acidic, so I have to pass on a few of the items, and had to make a special call to someone that I haven't seen in a couple of months to explain.  I'm also the kind of person that hates to make people go out of the way for me, especially since I've become ill, so this call wasn't easy for me to make.  But of course, my friend was super-amazing about it. I'm really looking forward to spending more time with these ladies.

Also, in one of my more "normal" blunders, I happened to have grabbed the wrong checkbook today and paid for a massage with an account that has no money in it.  Luckily, I know the massage therapist well enough that I could call her and ask her to hold the check until tomorrow.  But...I have to make my hubby go out of his way to put money in that account, since the bank doesn't have a branch anywhere near our house. Whoops!  However...if that's the biggest issue in my day, I'm feelin' pretty good about it, though of course I feel bad that I'm putting the guy that takes care of me the most out of his way. 

Finally, I'm starting to look for work again.  Nothing full time yet, since I don't want to undo all of my hard work with too much stress too soon.  Something part time, and ideally something with flexible hours. I have a feeling that it will take a bit of time to find something like that.

Onward and upward!

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