Sunday, August 28, 2011

An OK weekend

Hello again!

Another weekend is winding down.  This one was far less eventful than planned.  My husband is getting better, but still sick.  Unfortunately, I brought myself down a little bit.  As I've mentioned, my success in turning my health around recently has largely been due to the fact that I've been sticking to a very strict, low-acid diet.  Well, on Friday (my birthday), I didn't want my husband to cook, so I decided that I'd order pizza. Note that I can't have tomatoes AND I'm lactose intolerant.  Also, I can't have onions, but decided to treat myself anyway. At least I skipped pepperoni (not allowed to have processed meat). I figured that the Elmiron (the long term med that coats my bladder to prevent new adhesions) was probably working pretty well, and that if I took a dairy digestive supplement, and this other over the counter aid called Pre-lief, which takes acid out of food, I'd be fine.  Totally wrong.  However, the punishment I received was pretty manageable and didn't take me back to square one.  Whew.  Sadly, I'm admitting to myself that pizza is something I probably won't be able to enjoy in the future. So...I had one (ok, two) last pieces today at my Nephew's birthday party. I have PT tomorrow and will have to admit to my physical therapist what I did to myself, but hey...we're all human.

In other news, my official job search starts tomorrow.  My wish list is pretty demanding.  Part time, semi-flexible hours, pays fairly well, allows me to apply my experience and degree, ideally temporary.  I'm trying to figure out how to write my cover letter to explain why I haven't worked for the last year and a half without giving away the fact that I have health issues, but I'm sure I'll work that out.  Then on Friday, I get to meet my new Nephew, Harvey before attending my stepbrother's wedding on Saturday. It's going to be fun to finally get to take a weekend trip without having to worry about everything that I had to worry about during my travels just a few months ago.  However, I do need to worry about the person who has been purposefully causing ruckus in my life, so I'm gearing myself up for that in hopes that I will handle the situation with grace (since the other person has not thus far and has stated they will not change), as well as not allowing it to cause another flare of my autoimmune disorders. After that, I have another wedding shower, my husband's company party,  a belated birthday celebration, two class reunions (I attended two different high schools and am meeting up with some friends from the first one in a non-official event), my 9th wedding anniversary, and another wedding coming up in the next couple of months.  That's just the special events in addition to the other plans on the calendar. So, I need this streak of feeling good to continue for awhile.


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