Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Nerve block update and the bike story


Thanks to the good Lord that today is better. It's 1:10 in the afternoon and I've only taken a total of 1 percoset (1/2 in the morning, 1/2 just a minute ago). I still have a considerable numbness, but I think I'm down to what I should have as the result of the block. It's still an unsettling feeling to sit down and not be able to feel part of my butt check. I'm afraid to say this for fear of jinxing it, but I feel like this might be a successful block. The downside is that these blocks are really only a temporary solution so no one knows how long this will last. As for the longer-term plan, I am still making progress. Instead of just walking for exercise, I'm getting some real cardio workouts along with a 1/2 hour of yoga daily.

Otherwise, I have a bike story to share...

My hubby acquired a free Trek mountain bike and brought it home for me. Excited to go biking, I bought a helmet and took off for a short 2 mile ride in the hilly area where I live (on an 85 degree day). Turns out, I don't remember how to properly shift gears and I ended up flying down hills and then struggling to get up others. By the time I got back to my subdivision, I was absolutely worn down. Sad to say, I had to walk the bike up the last hill to my house, and then I rolled down my steep driveway. By the time I walked into the house, I could barely walk. Then a few minutes later, I found myself shaking and throwing up in the kitchen sink! After that, I couldn't cool down and couldn't stop shaking. I obviously pushed myself to far, and the heat did not help. The next day, my legs were fine, but my regular pain was so bad that I spent most of the day laying down.

And...back to the present. Since I'm feeling well enough, I'm going to get out of the house and run some errands, and then will take a little walk to enjoy this beautiful day. Oh yes, and I must give a shout out to my sister Zan (who many know as Suzanne). She wanted to elope, but let it out of the bag that she is engaged and will be getting married this September!!!!!!

Much love to all of you who continue to support me!


  1. Shout-out, woot woot!

    Thanks for coming out Friday. I know you didn't feel well and had to really struggle to make it out. I told Mike that you weren't feeling well and might be quiet or out of it, but he said he thought you were really nice and funny. Just think how impressed he will be when you are actually firing on all cylinders :)

  2. Yay! A comedian thinks I'm funny!!! I'm sure that i'm way less funny when I'm not all doped up post-surgical procedure.

    Please pass along a thanks to Mike for publicly calling our family wonderful!
