Saturday, July 10, 2010

This one's all about my butt.


Yes, I'm O.K. after my nerve block. It's still going to be a few days before I know the results though because the doctor numbed me up pretty good and some of the short-term numbing med is still working 2 1/2 days later.

Anyway, this nerve block was much different than the last 6 because the doc went after a different part of my pudendal nerve. Normally, he does a block on both sides of my abdominal/pelvic region and the needles go in through my back. This time, we were targeting a very specific area of continued pain. Little did I know, the needle went through my lower-left butt cheek!!! In the pre-op convo, the doc and I agreed that he would knock me out cold (as opposed to previous times where I remembered the whole thing). He also informed me that in addition, he would be numbing up the area really good so that the numbing would last a day or two. I didn't think to ask why, but I speculate now that he thought it would help me avoid some of my normal post-op pain. It did, but let me tell ya, I still can't feel most of my left butt cheek, among some other things, and it's VERY unsettling. However, as soon as some feeling came back, I realized that I probably had a bit of a bruised bum. After asking my hubby to check it out (which he eagerly did), I was quickly informed that I have a HUGE bruise around the needle mark. Great. I had high hopes that the Stimate that I take before each block to counteract my VonWillebrand blood disorder would prevent bruising of this magnitude, but I was not so lucky this time.

In addition to this event on Friday, my sister Zan was back in town, this time with her new boyfriend. Since I always seem to miss her when she is in town, I was determined not to miss her again. So, I rested for the afternoon, and then my hubby and I made the short trek to my parents' place. It was a nice time for me, and I hope that her new bf wasn't too frightened by us.

Well, time for me to turn it in for the night...with an ice pack strapped to my behind. :)


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