Thursday, April 28, 2011

I'm not sure this week could be any worse!

Well hello again,

Unfortunately, each day keeps getting worse for me.  I've been fighting a cold, my feet, legs and wrists are still killing me, but once again, I missed out on fabulous plans because of my health.

Yesterday was supposed to be a fun day where my hubby took off work and we went to a baseball game with our friends and their 3 little boys, the youngest of which is our Godson.  I woke up that morning still feeling my cold, still feeling the pain from Fibromyalgia, especially in my feet, and on top of it, a migraine was coming on. So, I took migraine meds and plopped down on the couch.  About 30 minutes after we were supposed to leave, I decided that there was no way that I could go to the game.  So, I sent my hubby on his way.  About 30 minutes after that, I started throwing up.  Then about 15 minutes later, I threw up again...and again...and again...and again.  I still haven't figured out why this happened.  It could be part of my cold, part of the migraine, a result of everything in my system just being off, or maybe some kind of flu bug.  Either way...I'm glad that part is over for now. 

Tomorrow is reserved for rest, rest, and more rest, no matter how I feel.  Saturday is my day to attend a bachelorette party and I really feel the need to have a night out where I don't have to worry about my health for a few hours. However, after forcing my feet into 4" heels last weekend, I think I'm going to go the sensible Birkenstock route for this party, especially considering that my car is currently sitting about 10 blocks away from the final destination of the party at my brother-in-law's place (long story...related to my hubby's car issues from last week), and I'll have to walk there to retrieve it after the party.

Otherwise, I'm still attempting to catch up on many missed phone calls since Saturday.  I listened to 9 voicemails in total today and haven't made a single call yet.  If anyone reading this needs information from me, the best bet is probably a short email or text--I'll get back to you as soon as I can. 

Sweet dreams everyone--off to bed for me.


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