Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Good yesterday/rough today

Well, one out of two isn't bad for me. :) 

Yesterday was my appointment with my new Ob/gyn.  Even better than the fact that the appointment went well was the fact that I felt well on top of it.  Here's the scoop:

I arrived later than I was supposed to because I didn't leave on time, hit construction (the place is about an hour from my house) and couldn't find the clinic.  Then, I couldn't immediately find my insurance card in my wallet. Turns out, there's a slot in it that I didn't even know was there that I must have absentmindedly stuck the card in last time I had it out.  Once they called me back, there was the horrifying experience on the scale, but after that, the appointment went very well.

First came the daunting task of entering my information into the computer. We started from scratch since this was my first time visiting an office in that healthcare system (ProHealth). That task took about 45 minutes. Part of it was that I have so many drug allergies, past procedures, diagnosed issues, and current symptoms, but most of it was that this poor woman was just starting out on her job, and was also not used to either a computer or the computer system.  Worse, was that she is not familiar with either medical terminology or the spelling of many drugs, so it was pretty painful for both of us until a seasoned pro came in and took over. I'd estimate that that the first woman took 80% of the time to enter 25% of the information, so I was beyond grateful to get the show on the road. 

Next, I met the doctor for the first time. She did a wonderful job taking my history, asking questions, listening to my concerns, and allowing me to ask all of my questions. Even better was that she was able to hook me up with recommendations for many of the specialists that I need to replace, and was forthright in letting me know their strengths, along with any concerns I may have.  Since I have several overlapping issues, specifically the chronic pelvic pain, Endometriosis, and Interstitial Cystitis (or not..see previous posts), there are several doctors, including the Ob/Gyn who could both treat and perform surgery.  She was very honest in telling me that she was not the strongest of the surgeons due to the fact that she is a generalist, and also gave me recommendations as to who would be the best captain of the ship...the ship being me, of course.

I walked away with a list of the following specialists:
  • Urogynocologist (A urologist and gynocologist, which is hard to find)
  • Hematologist
  • Ferility doctor for the futureInternal Medicine
  • Neurologist
  • Pain Management
Sadly, this isn't even a complete list of the docs I still need to find, but it's a fantastic start.  Looks like I'll be spending a lot of time at the hospital again to get in for all of these appointments.

As for today, I was supposed to go back for a cholesterol test, but I had to cancel because I caught my husband's cold, and possibly the flu bug that was going around the Sunday School Class that we teach.  Meaning...back to bed for me.

Many more doctor appointment updates to come...

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