Monday, October 3, 2011


As I mentioned in my last post, I was off to the Milwaukee Brewers playoff games over the weekend. Since we live over an hour away from the stadium, we decided to stay with our awesome friends and fellow ticket buddies Saturday night. That plan allowed us to attend church with their family, which includes our godson.  The weekend was amazing sports-wise (I'm sure all of you non-Wisconsinites are already sick of us bragging about our Badger/Packer/Brewers victories over the weekend), but I'm paying for it dearly.  I spent today on the couch and my legs, back and arms are still killing me.  Aside from that, my pelvic pain has calmed a bit, but not enough. Normally, I'd be doing one of my favorite yoga workouts on Monday morning and then heading to coffee with the ladies, but today was a day when a workout would have hurt me more than helped me. However, the fact that I made it to both games and didn't have to leave early or give a ticket away was beyond anything I would have expected of myself at this point.  The use of my tush cush, layers of clothing to keep the cold away (which I didn't need) extra medication (which I only needed twice in two days!) snacks, comfortable but not super-cute shores, and my ever-supportive hubby got me through. In 2008, the Brewers  had the wildcard spot and I had to give away my second day ticket because I was so destroyed from the first day.

I can't remember if I've recently mentioned how effectively I've been putting off seeing a GI doctor and therefore; a colonoscopy, but my fear is that I have to put those days to a quick end.  My greatest fear is Celiac Disease due to the fact that I already have a GIGANTIC list of things that I can't eat.  I was really careful about what I ate this weekend and my friends were super kind in making sure that there was food for me to eat, but I indulged in about 2/3 of a beer on Saturday and maybe 1 1/2 MGD's on Sunday and boy am I paying for it today!  My stomach is just destroyed.  Sunday morning was kind of bad, and this morning had me doubled over in pain until about 3pm along with all kinds of other problems.  I guess it's a good thing that I don't love beer (exception: Guinness) so I won't miss it too much.  Looks like I may be doomed to a life of rice, potatoes and water by the end of this.  Maybe I'll finally make that appointment tomorrow.


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