Friday, April 2, 2010

Diagnosis/End of an Era/Free time does not mean progress on the health front

It's a long title, I know. But there are many things happening at this very moment.

First and foremost, I had my scary hematology appointment last week. I have type I Von Willebrand disease. It's actually not that big of a deal. Thank God. Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with my pain. I guess if you dig in far enough, you can find a laundry list of problems with anyone, but my list is getting very long.

This might be the most bittersweet day that I will have in my entire life. Here is why:

Today was my last day with the company I've worked at for the last 12 years. Wow, was that a tough day! I planned to go out quietly, but over the course of the day I received flowers, e-mails, messages, an Edible Arrangements basket and a potluck lunch that I was not expecting! While it was sad, I know that it is the right decision for me and I am thrilled to be starting the next chapter.

Sadly, I'm already experiencing the third title to this post. Free time does not mean progress on the health front. I had a nerve block last week and it only gave me minimal relief. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble dealing with the pain clinic. Great doctor--terrible administrative processes, and a nurse who might be good at nursing but is terrible at listening. I have to handle my growing list of complaints carefully because they can refuse to treat me altogether, which means I would be on a long waitlist to get into another clinic and that would be even worse than terrible treatment. So, I proceed with caution. I'm stuck in a boat of having all the free time in the world that is dedicated solely to getting myself well, but I am without a doctor who will make the time to figure out what is wrong with me or ensure that I am comfortable during the journey.

So, with all of this...I can honestly say that I never really understood the meaning of bittersweet until now.

Thank goodness I have my faith to carry me through this mess!



  1. Just catching up on the blog always, I don't know how you manage :( But, hopefully just the stress of being away from work will help things to some degree. Talk soon! Love you.

  2. Love you too Zan! Not working has been a true blessing and I know it is the right decision for me!
