Monday, February 22, 2010

Maybe there's something in your blood?

Today was horrible and great all rolled up into one. I woke up in crippling pain and I really don't feel any better right now. However, this morning my husband drove me to an appointment with my new ob/gyn and we have some new, potentially promising avenues to pursue. Otherwise, trying to work was torturous...I was in so much pain that talking on the phone wasn't really possible through much of today.

This Dr. happens to be absolutely amazing in the fact that to the best of our assessment, we figure that finding the root cause of a medical issue is his absolute passion...which happens to be a big part of what I do for a living (though no one dies if I fail...). On this visit, he ruled out endometriosis as the ongoing cause of my pain, based on my current endo treatment plan. He then suggested that I see a hematologist, due to the history of some blood-related issues in my family, and my own propensity to bruise easily, along with the knowledge of some HORRIFIC nosebleeds that I've had in the past. He also wants me to see a gastroenterologist to rule out possible lower-digestive track issues, though it's a very unlikely cause. Lucky me, I already have one for upper-digestive track issues, so I'm all set.

Getting closer! Next stop--pain clinic on Friday.

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